While a senior at SUNY Oneonta College, one of the most meaningful projects I was involved in was the creation of SUNYFEST, the first-ever virtual SUNY concert. Planning the logistics of this event taught me so much about the interiors of Marketing/Content Creation and, most importantly, was a bridge that brought people together after the peak isolation of the pandemic.

Go big or go home, Right! On April 24th, 2021 from 5-10pm on a platform called, Looped, SUNY students performed a virtual concert with special guests Kesha and AJR. The original proposal was for 25 SUNY campuses but there were over 45 different SUNY campuses in attendance that day. Although the event was brought up by campus administrators; everything from the concert name, artists performing, streaming platform, concert logo, and production were all done with students at the forefront.

At the time I was the Vice President of Administration for SUNY Oneonta’s Activities Council. As a result, I was nominated and chosen as the Publicity Committee Head Chair of SUNYFEST.

Once the 2021 school year began, we got to work. From February to April 2021, my role as Publicity Committee Head Chair included the following responsibilities:

  • Maintaining social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram) and setting up virtual meetings after school hours.

  • Overviewing 6 members in the committee to help create posters, press releases, newsletters, a media kit, and more.

  • Relaying important information and deadlines to other committees on Microsoft Teams.

  • Serving as point of contact to the head of SUNY system to create SUNYFEST website.


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SUNY Oneonta College